Saturday, March 2, 2019

Week 7 Think Like Designer Balt 318

When putting together a project of any kind, you have to have the ability to think like a designer to an extent. You have to be able to attract the eye of your audience and direct them in the right ways to help get your point across. In Knaflic's book she talks about a few different main points when talking about how we should be thinking when putting together an infographic. The first is affordances, which is the inherent qualities in an object they would make it obvious how to use it. If the audience doesn't know how to understand your inforgraphic then it becomes pointless. The second is accessibility. The infographic that you create has to be easily accessible for everyone and have the information simplified for everyone. The last point is aesthetics. This is so you can grab the attention of your audience so you can get your point across clearly. 

In the article from they talked about how fast 5G was compared to 4G and 3G. When 4G first came out, i thought it was a lot faster compared to 3G, and it was, but now seeing the difference between 4G and 5G, it does not compare. In the graphic provided by, you were allowed to interact with it and click a button to watch in real-time how fast 5G really is compared to 3G and 4G. This infogrpahic had all three elements that Knaflic talked about, it was easy to use, was easily accessible, and it was able to grab my attention. 

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